Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Michigan Opera theatre / Mikado 30 sec tv spot

Michigan Opera theatre / Mikado 30 sec tv spot from Andre Foster on Vimeo.

This was done for the Michigan Opera Theatre located in Downtown Detroit. This is just one of several plays that will be playing this fall and I was fortunate enough to be able to put together this tv spot for them.
Design and effects were done in After Effects.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Logo reveal for Real Estate Company

Logo reveal for Real Estate Company from Andre Foster on Vimeo.

This was a treatment I did for realty investment advisory company. The concept took a little time to develop but I went to find some inspiration from the company's own logo.
Hopefully, I was clever enough for the audience get what the whole thing is about.

Thursday, July 1, 2010


I am really excited about this project because of the fact I'm actually doing illustration (it's been a while). I can't disclose too much of what the product is but the project will definitely be a cool piece. I have to give some love to my man Guy Allen for helping me with the final art on some of these too!


Skidmore Studio Motion Graphics Intro from Andre Foster on Vimeo.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Product Development/Card adaptor

NA Bank card adaptor from Andre Foster on Vimeo.

Hey guys! I know it's been a while since my last post. Fortunately, I've been pretty busy! One of the most frustrating things when working on projects for clients is that you can't show them immediately...
But til then, here's a concept I did for showing how this adaptor fits and operates with the new Ipad. I did all the modeling and animation, plus the post effects in After Effects.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Header for 'Vault'

I just wanted to show you guys the end title of this project...I just thought the look of it was cool
and exactly what I had in mind style wise.

I'm putting the final touches on the video right now, Ozone sound design will hopefully be doing the sound
to this as well.

Cool shit is percolating.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

More renders for 'The Vault'

I'm in the process of rendering this scene out right now. It took a while to figure out how to make the money fall
like I wanted it to in Maya, but I'm pretty happy with the result. I think when it's all said and done this piece is going to
pretty sweet.

Thursday, January 28, 2010


Aside from working on 'The Vault' project...this was something I just did for a fictional NIke commercial...Maya and After Effects.

Hope you like!

Monday, January 11, 2010

The Vault Martini Bar (the Bar)

Here's some test renders of the actual Martini bar, which would be inside the 'vault'.
Still got some tweaking to do...but I think it's coming to together.

Monday, January 4, 2010

The Vault Martini Bar

Happy New Year!!!!!
Here's the beginnings of a new project I'm working on. Believe it or not it involves a Martini Bar.
This is an idea I've had for a while and I'll explain further in the days to come. These are a couple
of test renders I did in Maya.